All the Latest 2010 Pt. 2

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I always joke saying "there's never a dull moment around here!" But it is SO true.  I don't know if it's just us or if this is normal, but this week has been one of the craziest. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about here are a few of the latest happenings, all of this pretty much started last Monday.  Whew! Here's a little re-cap...

1. We are selling our house.  After all our updating and work the house appraised enough that it's sounding like the best time to sell and move. We are going to list it next week and see what the Lord's will looks like for us to move?!

2. We are doing all the finishing touches before we list it so this week we: (all this week) -had our tile guy re-tile the kitchen. White on white, super clean subway and square tile. (now I don't want to move it looks so good!) From start to finish it was done in 72 hours! -bought a few new stainless appliances for the kitchen, so it's "fully" updated. we scored! Best Buy will price match anything, so we did our homework and got a killer deal! - had a crew put new sod in parts of the front and back and some new landscaping -moved furniture and staged the house, packing all photos and extra stuff around. I'll post some pic's of the final products soon!

3. We are house hunting. Our kiddos are about done driving around looking at houses, but I think we are getting closer to finding something?! This part is a ton of work but exciting too, I think we are up for a new fixer to take on! then we come home and I'm like "really!? move?! we just finished this one?!) we'll see! Any one super in love with their city or community, any fabulous suggestions on Los Angeles places to live? Quiet, Great Schools, a little space or land, yet not too far in the boonies?

4. We potty trained Hud this week! Overall he's doing great, and pretty much has it down. (The house hunting(aka. driving around for ever and ever) and potty training at the same time is quite a challenge though.

5. Here's when I detected my brain was a little full: I spaced and told the tile guy he could start the demo Wednesday morning, not remembering I'd need the kitchen (making lunch for 8 people) for the birthday lunch party for my good friend Jenny, oh and that I had a root canal at 8:30 that morning (oh what a fabulous planner I am!) Thankfully my numb face wore off by 12:00 and 8 Trader Joe's ready-made Chinese Chicken Salads, pre-cut fruit and frozen mini desserts saved the day! It ended up being so much fun! And it was so fun to hang with such sweet friends for the afternoon!

6. Thursday afternoon we had a trip to the ER! Chad was holding Ford's hands (helping ford stand up) when all the sudden Ford leaned back and swung around, dislocating his elbow.  The sweetest Dr. came in and pulled, twisted and popped his little elbow back in place, it was quick and crazy! He was instantly relieved and was able to move it perfectly!

So all that to say, I'm looking forward to enjoying my cozy bed... right now...  Goodnight! (Oh! and CJ home candles are in! I'll post all the new ones soon!)


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