the latest around here and a malibu getaway...

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Here's a few of the happenings around here...

Our time in Malibu was amazing. We had a golf cart that we cruised the neighborhood in and took it down to our little private beach. The weather was perfect and we really had the most wonderful time. We are so thankful to our sweet family who shared their place with us for a lovely little, much needed getaway!
Ford is the fish. This kid is so close to swimming. He loves the water. 
You cant tell in the picture, but the water was clear, blue and warm.
 Tuck is the sand man. 
Hudson and Tuck are my 6'oclockers... It doesn't matter what time they go to be they are up bright and early ready to start the day. The 3 of us took s walk one morning so we wouldn't wake the others and this was our view. It was amazing.  
Hud is the cautious one, he's just fine digging in the sand and avoiding the water.
Swim lessons start tomorrow :)
Chad and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on May 28th!
It really has been the 6 best years of my life. I'm so thankful to the Lord for the gift he is to me. He rocks and I can't believe I get to be his wife.
My baby turned one last week?!? What!? Crazy?!
Here's Tuckers birthday feast...I just wasn't super down for giving him a pile of processed sugar. (not that we don't enjoy a good cupcake evry now and then). So blueberries were his "cupcake" and he loved it :)
We went to a darling wedding on Saturday at a lemon farm in Fillmore and these guys had a ball.
I love their friendship. They really do love each other so much.
Our awesome neighbors invited us the the Skirball Noah's Ark exhibit a few weeks ago and we had a blast. If you have not gone, go! Its so much fun and the guys loved it. Thursdays are free, just make sure you have reservation. Here's a link:
I've been decorating for a residential client and was designing some bedding for their master bedroom. I was then inspired to swap around my own stuff for the summer! You can never go wrong with white duvets and linens. They're so versatile and allow for easily changing around colors and changing around seasonally. Here's our master layered white, for a cool and clean summer look ;)
Sunset out this window is the best!
And I'll end this randomness with our homemade eucalyptus swing, which is Hud's new backyard activity of choice :)
Looking forward to sharing some new recipes I've been testing and some pics of the latest adventures...
Glad to be back :)

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