Joy the Baker
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Joy was a great client for years at my boutique, Carly Jean. I knew Joy was a baker, but I didn't realize she was Joy the Baker. She was super modest about how fabulous of a baker she was =) It took me a while to figure it out!

I knew she was a cool gal, you could obviously see she was sweet, creative and had a charming personality. And I do recall her mentioning she had a blog....but I wasn't until last year I randomly stumbled across her blog while hunting for a recipe!? I must say the blog name made me curious, could this be? I had to find a picture to see if this was Joy. My client Joy?.... Joy? No way?! Too cool!?

Her blog is wonderful, just wonderful! She's so talented and her recipes are amazing. I was so impressed by her down to earth writing and incredible talent at making you feel like you're right there having a conversation with her, and she's funny...really funny! If you haven't read her blog before you must check it out, I'm sure you'll be hooked!

All this to say, Joy's 1st book will be coming out soon. I just saw it announced on her blog and though I'd share it here too. Go buy one, it's a fabulous gift! It's under $13 if you pre-order on Amazon!
Joy you rock! Thanks for sharing your fabulous food! You are such an awesome gal. I miss seeing you in the shop =) Much love,