Well said Karen and one more week of meal plans...

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I thought I'd stick this weeks meal plan up here since there was some new stuff on the menu this week! I'm always curious to hear other peoples menus and meal plans who are desiring to eat well and am inspired to hear new ideas. Hopefully there's some ideas for you in these!
I was going to do a general post on what "healthy food" looks like and is, but I just saw Karen's post and I couldn't have said it better.
Click on  The E-Wife  for the post. It's super balanced and very easy to understand! Check it out if you are wanting a great overall encouragement and broken down, easy explanation on good food.
Here's our menu for the week. maybe this will help add some ideas to yours! 


-farmers market eggs with spinach or kale
-oatmeal with money and berries
-farmers eggs with salsa
-almond oatmeal muffins
-raw cheese, raw nuts, raw veggies
-homemade granola


-Baked Yams with Kerrygold butter and sea salt, serve with salad and fresh herbs
-Egg Tacos on corn tortillas with salsa add shredded raw veggies
-Indian Curry with veggies over quinoa (add butternut squash,peas, and spinach)
-Green Nachos: corn chips, raw cheddar, black beans, spinach, cilantro and salsa


-Giada's lentil soup with added veggies, served with salad
-Brown Rice Pasta with marinara, crushed tomatoes, onion, garlic, italian squash, spinach
-Sprouted pizzas: leftover veggie sauce, on sprouted bread, baked with raw cheddar.
-17 Bean Soup with added veggies served with salad (greens,  tomatoes, cucumber, cilantro, mint)
-Hearty Salad: greens, TJ's "harvest blend", hard boiled egg, raw veggies, herbs, homemade dressing
-Avocado Salmon Salad with greek salad (greens, fresh basil, tomatoes, cucumber, purple onion)
-Asian veggie stir fry served over quinoa


-raw veggie slices
-raw fruit sliced
-raw nuts
-dried fruit
-corn chips
-un-sweetend apple sauce
-celery and natural peanut butter
-apple and raw cheese slices
-peanut butter sandwich
-homemade popcorn with Kerry gold butter and sea salt 


-almond chocolate chip cookies
-apple sandwiches with peanut butter and mini dark chocolate chips
-baked apples with cinnamon and maple syrup


-Water (add lemon or lime)
-Iced green tea with raw honey
-Iced "good earth" tea with oranges and mint
[caption id="attachment_1479" align="aligncenter" width="425"](sprouted veggie pizzas) (sprouted veggie pizzas)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1475" align="aligncenter" width="425"](keeping this guy stalked helps the snack options to be fresh and healthy!) (keeping this guy stalked helps the snack options to be fresh and healthy!)[/caption]
Have a wonderful week!

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