Upcoming Pop-Up Shop
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Hey hey! It's here! Our September POP-UP SHOP is less than 2 weeks away! It's going to be reeeaaaallllly fun! Amazing new FALL product will launch, my favorite clothing and jewelry yet, secret product, secret sales, new Fall candles and soaps, yum food and drinks, sweet treats, and a fab "gals day/night out" time! Let us throw your gals night out party for you, gather your crews and come hang! It will be SO much fun, we hope to see you there's just shoot us an email for the complete invite info! Feel free to share with friends that may enjoy!!!
If you're wondering what a Pop-Up entails, check out this fun video of our last Toluca Lake Pop-Up Shop!
[embed]https://youtu.be/kTCKKAqDYBA[/embed]❤️ Email us for the full invitation! We hope to see you there!